
Veering Off the Track

The lives of those who have solidified their plans are often happy ones, but veering off the track when an unexpected event causes them to take a hard look at their life can be emotionally draining. A couple might have planned the perfect family when they bought their home, but they suddenly find their ability to have children is gone. Others will save for retirement, but they will find they need to keep working when they have a financial setback. Still others will believe their life together is over when the children move out, but all of these scenarios can have positive results.

Planning for the future is a good way to ensure it will happen, but life does not always follow a straight and easy course. The bumps in the road can take people in unexpected directions, but they can recover from it if they work as a team. A couple who suddenly finds out they will never have children of their own can still adopt, or they can choose to be foster parents to children in need. It can give them the opportunity to have the family they planned, but they will need to accept it will simply be done in a different way.

For those who have had a financial setback, life can be frightening. Saving for retirement has long been an important goal for many, but an illness can wipe out everything a couple has amassed. While they might never fully recover everything they had previously saved, they can still start over.

Empty nest syndrome has become an issue for many couples when they realize they have drifted away from each other, but they can still repair their relationship if they are willing to put in the effort to save it. They might find their goals have changed, but their ability to work as a team can still help them get where they want to go.